maple red,g562 granite stair riser,china granite stairs,marble stairs,staircase,stair treads,stair,step,bullnose stair,granite stair riser,granite stair tread,stone stairs,granite steps, marble steps,stone steps, marble stair treads,stone treads,marble stair riser,marble stair tread. Stair Size 105-160x2cm, 105-160x3cm with eased polished, full bullnose, half bullnose, semicircular, 1/4 radius,1/2 radius.The stone stairs can also have Anti-slip line also. The riser size 105-160x16x2cm, the short edges with eased and polished finished. Popular Granite Marble Colours G603, g654, g687, g664, g601, g635, china juparana, g562, g682, absolute black, china black, g684, g636, baltic brown, uba tuba, blue pearl, giallo ornamental etc. |